Blackmon Wiki

  • Acne

    I'm starting to get pimples! What can I do to get rid of them? The bad news—There's no cure for acne. The good news—It usually…

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  • ADHD

    What do I need to know about ADHD? Almost all children have times when their behavior veers out of control. They may speed about in…

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  • Anemia

    What is anemia and how can I tell if my child is anemic? Anemia is a condition that occurs when there are not enough red…

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  • Asthma

    NEW - Asthma and Your Child - This brochure helps parents and children with asthma recognize the symptoms and triggers of asthma attacks. Discusses importance of asthma…

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  • Bed Wetting

    How can I keep my child from wetting the bed? Keep the following tips in mind when dealing with bedwetting: Be honest with your child about…

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  • Burns

    Are there different kinds of burns? How are they treated? Following are the 4 different levels of burns and the symptoms of each:  1st degree…

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  • Colds

    My child has a virus, how can I help her feel better? While you may be able to keep germs from spreading, you can't always…

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  • Constipation

    Question: My child hasn't had a bowel movement in two days and the stool was hard when it is passed.  Could he be constipated? Definition:…

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  • Coughs

    Croupy Cough or the Croup We frequently receive calls stating a child has a "croupy" cough. What exactly does this mean? The symptom of cough…

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  • Croup

    What is croup and how is it treated? Croup is an infection that causes a swelling of the voice box (larynx) and windpipe (trachea), making…

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  • Diaper Rash

    What can I do if my baby gets diaper rash? If your baby gets a diaper rash (and to prevent future diaper rashes) it's important…

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  • Fever

    What's the best way to take a child's temperature? While you often can tell if your child is warmer than usual by feeling her forehead,…

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  • Flu

    How can I keep my child from getting the flu? People with the flu are most infectious during the 24-hour period before symptoms appear and…

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  • Head Injuries

    What should I do if my child has a head injury but does not lose consciousness? For anything more than a light bump on the head,…

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  • Headaches

    I get headaches a lot. Is there something wrong with me? You are not alone, a lot of teens get headaches. In fact, 50% to…

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  • Lacerations

    What's the best way to treat a cut? A cut, or laceration, is a wound that breaks through the skin and into the tissues beneath. Because the…

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  • Nose Bleeds

    My child gets a lot of nosebleeds. What should we do? Your child is almost certain to have at least one nosebleed—and probably many—during these…

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  • RSV

    What is RSV and how can I protect my child from getting it? Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infects almost all children at least once before…

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  • Seizures

    What do I do if my child has a febrile seizure? In some children, fevers can trigger seizures. A febrile seizure usually happens during the…

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  • Sore Throats

    How can I tell if a sore throat is a virus or a more serious infection?  The terms sore throat, strep throat, and tonsillitis often are used interchangeably, but…

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  • Sprains

    I think my child has sprained her ankle. How can I tell for sure? Sprains are injuries to the ligaments that connect bones to one…

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  • Sunburns

    Are there different kinds of burns? How are they treated?  Following are the 4 different levels of burns and the symptoms of each: 1st degree…

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  • Temper Tantrums

    What is the best way to handle a "difficult" child? Here are some general strategies and solutions to help you live with a youngster with…

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  • UTI

    How do I know if my child has a urinary tract infection? Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in young children. UTIs may go untreated…

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  • Vaccination Schedule

    Our Recommended Vaccination Schedule Birth: Hep B #1 2 Months: Pediarix #1 (DTaP, IPV, Hep B), Hib #1, Prevnar #1, Rotarix #1 4 Months: Pediarix…

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  • Vomiting & Diarrhea

    Question: My child has had vomiting and diarrhea since last night.  What do I do? Definition: Vomiting is a forceful emptying of stomach contents and…

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  • Zika Virus: What Parents Need to Know

    Article from: With all of the coverage in the news about the Zika virus lately, it is understandable that parents have questions. Here are…

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